Aerospace Director

Walter Stiebel

Walter Stiebel comes to CREA following a distinguished 39-year career at Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, where he led numerous projects through development and production life cycles, most recently as a Program Director for the F-35 fighter jet program (shown here).

Stiebel helps CREA's clients with the three big hard tech company real estate challenges it sees in the market:

  • ITAR / OSHA compliance. CREA has found that many clients are unfamiliar with the standards and regulations required to facilitate compliance with ITAR and OSHA.

  • Manufacturing processes integration and implementation. While CREA has worked with - literally - rocket scientists, understanding what is required to move from the design on a computer to manifesting the physical production of that product can prove challenging, especially for startups.

  • Agile product development lifecycle needs. Stiebel assists companies as they move from one stage of product development to the next in their life cycle.

Stiebel graduated from UCLA with a degree in aeronautical engineering and received his MBA from USC.