California Privacy Policy

In the United States, CREA’s collection, use and disclosure of certain personal information through CREA’s public websites and professional interactions with CREA employees is governed by the CREA Global Privacy Policy, as well as the following state-specific policies, as applicable:

California Privacy Policy

Effective Date: January 1, 2020

Last Updated: July 15, 2024

This California Consumer Privacy Policy (“Policy”) supplements the information provided CREA’s Global Privacy and Cookie Notice. This Policy applies solely to individuals who are residents of the State of California (“consumers”). We adopt this Policy to comply with the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (“CCPA”) as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (“CPRA”), and other California privacy laws.

We reserve the right to update this Policy at any time. We may also notify consumers in other ways from time to time about the processing of their Personal Information (as defined in the CCPA).


Consumer Rights under the CCPA

CCPA Rights

Process for verifying your request

How to exercise your rights

Authorized Agent

Identification of Personal Information Collected from California Residents, Disclosed, or Sold

Categories of Personal Information We Collect about California Consumers

Categories of Sensitive Personal Information We Collect about California Consumers

Sources of Collection

Purposes for Which We Collect this Personal Information

Retention of Personal Information

Disclosure of Personal Information

Third Parties to Whom We Have Sold Personal Information

Consumers Under the Age of 16

How to Contact Us


If you are a consumer, you have the following rights under the CCPA. In the event you chose to exercise your rights, we will handle your request in accordance with this section.

CCPA Rights

Right to Know & Right to Access - You have a right to request what Personal Information CREA collects, uses, discloses and (if applicable) sells about you.

Right to Delete - Subject to certain exceptions, you have the right to request that we delete any Personal Information about you that we may hold. We may have grounds to deny your deletion request as provided for in the CCPA.

Right to Limit the Sharing and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information (SPI)- You have the right to request us to limit the sharing and disclosure of your SPI, if applicable and.  CREA, however, does not disclose your SPI as defined under CCPA.

Right to Correct Inaccurate Personal Information- You have the right to request that we correct any inaccurate information held by us.

Right to Opt Out of Sale of Personal Information -You have a right to opt out of the sale of your Personal Information and to opt out of its sharing for advertising, as defined under CCPA. CREA, however, does not sell or share your Personal Information as defined under CCPA.

Right to Non-Discriminatory Treatment  - You have a right not to be discriminated against because you exercised any of your rights to know, access, delete or opt-out of the sale of your Personal Information.

Process for verifying your request

If you are a consumer and make a rights request under the CCPA, in order to protect you and your Personal Information from unauthorized disclosure, upon receipt of your we will need to reasonably verify that you are the person about whom we collected Personal Information. We may do so by asking for additional information (“Verifiable Information”) to compare against the information we hold about you, or if you have an account with us, by asking you to log in to that account. We will only use Verifiable Information to verify your identity or authority to make the request. We may also ask you to provide additional detail or clarify your request to allow us to properly understand, evaluate and respond to it.

Types of Verifiable Information we may ask for depend on the context of your relationship with CREA but may include:

Name of a CREA employee with whom you interacted

Date or other details of a transaction you had with CREA

Email address, phone number, or other contact information we may have on file for you

How to exercise your rights

You may exercise your rights to know, access, delete or opt out by completing the form in our Data Subject Rights Portal or by calling us at +1 (866) 428 4722. We will ask for your name, email address, and your relationship to us in order to begin processing your request.

Authorized Agent

You may authorize someone to submit a rights request on your behalf. You may do this by providing that person with power of attorney pursuant to the California Probate Code. Alternatively, you may provide that person with signed, written permission to submit requests on your behalf, but we will still require you to verify your identity with us directly by one of the methods listed above. In either case, we will also require that person to verify their personal identity via one of the above methods, or, in the case of a business entity, by response to communications directed at a well-known internet domain associated with that business or to contacts provided in that entity’s official filings with the California Secretary of State.


Below is a comprehensive description of CREA’s online and offline data collection practices regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information.

Categories of Personal Information We Collect about California Consumers

In the preceding 12 months, depending on a consumer’s interactions with CREA, CREA has collected the following categories of information for the purposes outlined below under the heading “Purposes for Which we Collect this Information”:

Identifiers, such as name, email address, and account name

Customer records information, such as address or telephone number

Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law, such as race, religion, or disability

Commercial information, such as products or services purchased, obtained, or inquired about

Internet or other electronic network activity information, such as browsing history, search history, and information regarding a consumer’s interaction with an Internet website, application, or advertisement

Geolocation data, such as device location or Internet Protocol (IP) location

Visual information, such a photo or moving images

Visual information, such a photo or moving images

Professional or employment-related information, such as current or past work history

Education information that is not “publicly available personally identifiable information” as defined in the California Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)

Inferences reflecting your preferences, predispositions, behavior, and attitudes drawn from the information we collect when you visit the Website, use our apps, or interact with our tools

Sensitive Personal Information

To the extent we may lawfully do so under California law, we may collect and process categories of Personal Information relating to you which enjoy special protection by qualifying as Sensitive Personal Information under California law.

CREA does not sell Sensitive Personal Information and has not sold Sensitive Personal Information in the preceding 12 months. CREA does not share Sensitive Personal Information with any third parties for cross-context behavioral advertising.

Purposes for Which We Collect this Personal Information

We collect the personal information set out above, for the following business and commercial purposes:

To operate and maintain our business and digital properties as well as to provide services to our clients:

To communicate with clients, prospective clients, and others with whom we have or are inquiring about establishing a business relationship

To provide offerings and services in which a consumer expressed interest

For business and marketing purposes

To administer and facilitate a consumer’s attendance at any of our events

To create an account to access certain information offerings or services

To administer surveys and generate aggregated and de-identified data analytics to improve and better manage our client relationships

To operate, evaluate and improve our online business offerings, including developing new products and services

To determine the effectiveness of and optimize our advertising to better target our advertising and to provide pertinent offers in which we think a consumer will be interested

To analyze and facilitate the functionality of our products, services, websites, mobile applications and any other digital assets

To maintain and operate our corporate offices and other corporate spaces for which we are responsible:

To ensure safety and security of CREA employees at our offices

To provide our emerging digital products and services, for example Hana and Host:

To create and manage a consumer’s Hana Member account

To provide consumers with the Hana and Host Work services and to manage our relationship with them

To provide a personalized experience on our platform

For security, to be able to identify a consumer at check in

To maintain a consumer’s Hana member profile

To analyze the use of, and help us continually refine and improve our services, our apps and better serve our customers

To address requests for additional information about CREA Hana and our services

To market and advertise our services

To gather information about our website for analytics purposes

To allow a consumer access to our Host workplace

To the extent we provide payment facilities, to allow for a consumer to make purchases through Host Work

To customize our services for a consumer, including providing recommendations

To recruit job applicants:

To assess a consumer’s suitability for the position to which the consumer applied or other available positions, which includes: interviews, terms of employment, verification of information, carrying out pre-employment screening checks, determining the consumer’s ability to legally work for us in the United States including, as applicable, verifying the consumer’s visa status), and for onboarding the consumer as a CREA employee once hired

To carry out the responsibilities included in the CREA EthicsPoint Helpline:

To investigate possible violations of the law or of company policy and to take appropriate corrective action, such as employee discipline or legal proceedings

To compile statistical information on reports of misconduct

To investigate possible violations of the law or of company policy and to take appropriate corrective action, such as employee discipline or legal proceedings

Sources of Collection

We collect the categories of personal information set out above from the following categories of sources:

From consumers directly or indirectly

Publicly available websites

A consumer’s employer with respect to certain services we offer

Third parties who may share personal information they collect with us for research or marketing purposes

Retention of Personal Information

CREA retains your personal information for no longer than reasonably necessary. We retain your personal information for the required period of time to achieve the purpose for which the information was collected. We also retain your personal information for as long as required to achieve legal obligations to which CREA is bound.

Disclosure of Personal Information

In the preceding 12 months, depending on a consumer’s interactions with CREA, CREA has disclosed for a business purpose, the following categories of information (for additional examples please refer to the section above titled Categories of Personal Information We Collect about California Consumers):


Customer records information

Characteristics of protected classifications under California or federal law

Commercial information

Internet or other electronic network activity information

Geolocation data

Visual information

Professional or employment-related information

Education information that is not “publicly available personally identifiable information” as defined in the California Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (20 U.S.C. section 1232g, 34 C.F.R. Part 99)


For each of the categories listed above, we may have disclosed Personal Information to the following categories of third parties for a business purpose:

Third parties, including third party vendors

Service providers, who help us manage or provide our products and services, including but not limited to marketing, advertising and communications agencies, external auditors and advisors, and our vendors who provide data processing, IT, software, information security or other related services

Legally affiliated entities and affiliates

Professional advisors

Enforcement or regulatory authority, if required

Third Parties to Whom We Have Sold Personal Information

CREA does not sell Personal Information and has not sold Personal Information in the preceding 12 months.

Consumers Under the Age of 16

As above, CREA does not sell Personal Information. CREA does not have actual knowledge that it sells the Personal Information of consumers under 16 years of age.


We may be contacted with questions or concerns regarding our privacy policies or practices by emailing or by writing to us at 840 Apollo, Suite 100, El Segundo, CA 90245, Attention: Ted Simpson.